Tribune Recorder Leader

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The Deckerville Community Schools Board of Education met in regular session on August 22, 2022
in the high school library.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President, Brandon Stolicker.
Members present: Randee Kirkpatrick, Amy Dumaw, Curt Vogel, Jason McConnachie, Brandon
Stolicker, Spencer Osborne, Jon Block
Administrators present: Michael Hugan, Josh Stern, Matthew Connelly
The Board toured the facilities.
Motion by Amy Dumaw, support by Curt Vogel to adopt the agenda for the August 22, 2022 Regular
Meeting. Carried.
Motion by Jon Block, support by Spencer Osborne to approve the Organizational/Regular meeting
minutes of July 25, 2022. Carried.
Motion by Spencer Osborne, support by Curt Vogel to approve the General Fund bills in the amount
of $98,999.90. Carried.
Motion by Jason McConnachie, support by Randee Kirkpatrick to approve the Athletic fund bills in
the amount of $1,899.38 as presented. Carried.
Motion by Spencer Osborne, support by Amy Dumaw to approve the Student/School Activity Fund
bills in the amount of $1,841.82 as presented. Carried.
Motion by Spencer Osborne, support by Curt Vogel to approve the Capital Projects Fund bills in the
amount of $33,763.84. Carried.
The Board heard a presentation from Steve Linn, Varsity Track and Cross Country Coach, for a
proposal for an assistant track and cross country coach.
The Board heard a presentation from Chief Ameel who is the new chief for the Village of Deckerville.
The Board heard reports from the administrative staff Matthew Connelly, Elementary Principal, Josh
Stern, High School Principal and from Mr. Hugan, Superintendent, and Department head Johnny
Kirkpatrick, Facilty-Wide Maintenance Supervisor.
Motion by Amy Dumaw, support by Jon Block to approve the hiring of Ben Smith for the high school
computer teacher position. Carried.
Motion by Jon Block, support by Amy Dumaw to approve the hiring of Danielle Vansickle for the high
school math paraprofessional position. Carried.
Motion by Jason McConnachie, support by Jon Block to approve the hiring of Nora Greve for the
elementary Special Education teaching position. Carried.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Spencer Osborne to accept, with regret, the resignation of Angie
Murphy from the Preschool Teacher position. Carried.
Motion by Amy Dumaw, support by Curt Vogel to hire Angelica Selleke for the Preschool Teacher
position. Carried.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Jason McConnachie to hire Ethan Bowerman for the Assistant JV
Football Coach position. Carried.
Motion by Jon Block support by Randee Kirkpatrick to approve the course catalogs for Deckerville
Jr./Sr. High School and Deckerville Elementary as presented by Josh Stern, JH/HS Principal and
Matthew Connelly, Elementary Principal, for the 2022-23 school year. Carried.
Motion by Amy Dumaw, support by Curt Vogel to approve the following paid fall coaching positions
as recommended by Cole Romzek, Athletic Director. Carried.
Bill Brown – Varsity Football Coach; Dan Brown – Assistant Varsity Football Coach; Erick Burns –
JV Football Coach; Ethan Bowerman – JV Assistant Football Coach; Dan Woodard – JH Football
Coach; Josh Stern – Assistant JH Football Coach; Jessica Kubacki-Heilig – Varsity Volleyball Coach;
Monica Warczinsky – JV Volleyball Coach; Denneil Park – 8th Grade Volleyball Coach; Sulyn
Schumacher – 7th Grade Volleyball Coach; Dana Wisenbaugh-Kartanys – Varsity Cheerleading
Coach; Cody Russell – 7th Grade Girls Basketball; Dana Nichol – 8th Grade Girls Basketball; Steve
Linn – Cross Country Coach
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Jon Block to adjourn at 8:39 p.m. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Randee Kirkpatrick, Secretary
Board of Education
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the adopted minutes of the regular board meeting held
on the 22nd day of August 2022 and that said adopted minutes have been available for public
inspection at the address designated at the posted notice of said meeting from and after the 30th
day of September.
Respectfully submitted,
Randee Kirkpatrick, Secretary
Board of Education

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