Present: Mayor Lukshaitis, Council Members: Bissett, Mitchell, Stone, Barr, Harris, and Schramm
Absent: None
Administration: City Manager D. Faber, Police Chief B. Lester, and Director of Public Works M. Harris
Guests: K. Kohn, J. Reid, C. Powell, L. Quandt, K. Ostrowski, S. Ostrowski, K. Spiegel, P. Wadsworth, L. Laurence-Kirk, D. Kirk, T. McMahon, E. Levine, J. Renaudin, M. Ferrara, T. Hillman, C. Powell, K. Cee, C. Ulfig, B. Jones, D. Ferguson, and D. Ferguson.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Schramm seconded to approve the minutes of October 2, 2023 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Harris seconded to approve the bills in the amount of $274,058.84.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to approve the agenda as printed.
Passed: Councilperson Stone moved, Mitchell seconded to approve the Street Sale Application from the Lions Club for November 20, 2023 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Schramm moved, Barr seconded to approve the Sandusky Arts Council the use of Diamond Trail for the 2024 Lawn Chair Music Series as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to approve the use of Doerr Field October 31, 2023 for trick-or-treating by Holy Family Parish.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Schramm seconded to approve the Lexington Street Parking Lot Quote from RLS for seal coating, crack sealing and striping in the amount of $9,875.00.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to approve the Morse Street Curb bid at the Post Office from Miller Masonry in the amount of $5,220.00.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Harris seconded to approve the Lincoln Street Parking Lot Driveway approach bid from Miller Masonry in the amount of $5,925.00.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Harris seconded to authorize Manager David Faber to sign MDOT Contract 23-5274 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Stone seconded to authorize Manager David Faber to sign MDOT Contract 2023-0749 for Chemical Storage Facility as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Schramm moved, Bissett seconded to approve the Columbarium Concrete bid from Williamson Construction in the amount of $23,300.00 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Schramm moved, Barr seconded to approve the Sanilac County Early Voting Site Agreement as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to adjourn at 6:43p.m.
Thomas Lukshaitis, Mayor
Laurie Burns, City Clerk