Present: Mayor Lukshaitis, Council Members: Schramm, Williamson, Bissett, Barr and Mitchell
Absent: Council Member Harris
Administration: Police Chief B. Lester and Director of Public Works M. Harris
Guests: E. Levine and A. Frisbey
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Schramm seconded to approve the minutes of September 6, 2022 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Williamson seconded to approve the bills in the amount of $393,439.18.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to approve the agenda as printed.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Williamson seconded to approve the Street Sale Application from the K of C for October 7th and 8th, 2022.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Williamson seconded to approve the Diamond Trail Rental Agreement for the Celebration of Life on 10-1-22 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Schramm moved, Bissett seconded to approve the Diamond Trail Rental Agreement for a baby shower on 9-24-22 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to adjourn at 5:35 p.m.
Thomas Lukshaitis, Mayor
Laurie Burns, City Clerk