DECEMBER 19, 2022
5:30 P.M.
Present: Mayor Lukshaitis, Council Members: Bissett, Schramm, Mitchell, Barr, Williamson and Harris
Absent: None
Administration: City Manager D. Faber, Director of Public Works M. Harris and Police Chief B. Lester
Guests: E. Levine, T. Stone, B. Nelson, G. Heberling and A. Frisbey
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Schramm seconded to approve the minutes of December 5, 2022 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Williamson seconded to approve the bills in the amount of $302,158.30.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to amend the agenda New Business as follows; k. Spark Grant 2022-5, l. Spark Grant 2022-6, m. MDOT Annual Performance Resolution and n. Appoint Elizabeth Huysentruyt to Library Board.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Schramm seconded to approve the 2023 Special Committee/Board Meeting Dates as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to approve the 2023 Council Meeting Dates as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Schramm moved, Barr seconded to approve the 2023 City of Sandusky Holiday Schedule as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Bissett seconded to approve the 2023 Council Committee Assignments as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Schramm moved, Mitchell seconded to approve the 2023 Appointment of Boards/Commission as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Williamson seconded to approve JP Morgan Chase, Exchange State Bank, Huntington Bank and Eastern Michigan Bank as the City of Sandusky Depositories for 2023.
Passed: Councilperson Schramm moved, Barr seconded to approve Don Weyeneth and/or David Faber to sign Airport Documents for 2023 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Harris seconded to approve the 2023 Poverty Exemption Resolution as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Barr moved, Harris seconded to approve Resolution 22-4 Recreation Passport Grant as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to approve the Spark Grant Resolution 2022-5 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to approve the Spark Grant Resolution 2022-6 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Barr moved, Harris seconded to approve the 2023 MDOT Annual Performance Resolution as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to appoint Elizabeth Huysentruyt to the Library Board for a 3 year term.
Passed: Councilperson Williamson moved, Barr seconded to adjourn at 6:20 p.m.
Thomas Lukshaitis, Mayor
Laurie Burns, City Clerk