Forester Township Synopsis Regular Board Meeting August 21, 2023

Board Present: Daley, Hoenicke, Grabitz and Daum
Board Absent: O’Mara
Guests: 10
Motions approved:
Minutes of June 19th
Treasury Report: General Fund balance: $370,201.32, Investment balance: $58,470.53, Fire Account balance: $43,257.70, Water Operations balance: 127,588.83, SAD Account Balances: Clearing account $1,00016, ICS account $763.074.92, Maintenance Clearing account $15,002.38 & Maintenance ICS $208,051.46
PA116 for Mason Booms
Appointment of Cheryl O’Mara to the Planning Commission
Replacement of Booster Station Equipment and funded by ARPA funds
Paid bills report
Tabled until September Meeting:
Blighted Property clean up bids
Purchase of Neptune Meters
Discussions on:
Water billing software features Blighted Property clean up
Motion to adjourn. Next Meeting is September 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the Township Hall
Marjorie J., Hoenicke