Forester Township
Regular Board Meeting
June 20, 2022
Board present: Hoenicke, Grabitz, Daum, O’Mara and Daley
Guests: Jason Bezemek and Grey Alexander
Motions on:
Minutes of May 23, 2022
Treasury Report: General Fund balance $282,008.30, Investments $90,787.68, Fire Account $42,574.25, Water Operations $109,487.03, SAD Clearing account $1,000.04, ICS $339,978.76, Maint Clrg$15,000.58 and Maint ICS $218,053.95
Amend mileage rate on the Annual Fee Schedule
Ending of selling water to water hauling companies as of 7/31/22
Approve ditch cleaning contracts
Approve the bills paid report
Approve bills to pay
Discussions on:
Assessor of Record
Comcast request
Zoning Report
Reappraisal dates
Ancestral lots in Cemetery
Motion to adjourn. Next meeting is August 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at the Township Hall
Marjorie J Hoenicke, Clerk