Tribune Recorder Leader

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NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE BY ADVERTISEMENT: Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Sanilac County, starting promptly at 10:00 A.M., on October 13, 2022. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information. MORTGAGE SALE: Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Daniel Patrick Marsh, Jr. and Donna Jean Knispel, the Mortgagors, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, the original Mortgagee, dated January 5, 2021, and recorded on January 6, 2021, in Liber 1467, on Page 278, in Sanilac County Records, Michigan and last assigned to Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, the Foreclosing Assignee, as documented by an Assignment of Mortgage dated March 22, 2022, and recorded on March 30, 2022, in Liber 1521, on Page 835, in Sanilac County Records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due and owing as of the date of this Notice, the sum of One Hundred Sixty One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety Five and 67/100 U.S. Dollars ($161,495.67). Said premise is situated at 4551 Old M 51, Croswell, Michigan 48422 in the Township of Lexington, Sanilac County, Michigan, and is described as: LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF LEXINGTON, COUNTY OF SANILAC, STATE OF MICHIGAN: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 20, TOWN 10 NORTH, RANGE 16 EAST, THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 44 SECONDS EAST 438.80 FEET ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH QUARTER LINE, THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 51 SECONDS WEST 33.80 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 52 SECONDS EAST 438.79 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY RAIL ROAD RIGHT OF WAY, THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 56 SECONDS WEST 259.00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 33 SECONDS WEST 438.75 FEET ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF OLD-51, THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 51 SECONDS EAST 255.77 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING The redemption period shall be 6 months (180 Days) from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. Pursuant to Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, if the property is sold at foreclosure sale the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder under MCLA 600.3278 for damaging the property during the redemption period. ATTENTION HOMEOWNER: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice. Dated: 08/11/2022 For More Information, please call: Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. Attorneys for Servicer 255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 900 Orlando, Florida 32801 (855) 287-0240 Matter No. MI-001210-22


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