The Washington Township Board will hold a Show Cause Hearing–MCCLELLAND
The Washington Township Board will hold a Show Cause Hearing:
Location: 2520 Hyde Road, Carsonville, MI 48419
Date: September 13, 2022
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Purpose: To address the following issues:
Ordinance violations committed by: Brian McClelland, 3507 E. Marlette Rd., Croswell, MI 48422.
Summary of violations: Outdoor storage of junk motor vehicles and storage or accumulation of junk, located at 3507 E. Marlette Rd., Croswell, MI 48422, Parcel #230-034-400-020-01. Pursuant to local ordinances: Ordinance No. 105 Article 1.
Action to be taken by violator: You are hereby directed to appear at the Washington Township Hall at 2520 Hyde Road, Carsonville, MI 48419 on the 13th of September 2022 at 7:00 p.m. to show cause why the Township should not impose civil infractions and/or abate said existing violations, the expense therefore to be billed to said owners, tenants, etc. jointly and severally. The expenses of abatement may be imposed against the property tax roll as a single lot special assessment. In addition, If the owners, occupants, tenants or persons in charge of premises allow a nuisance to exist or fail to abate the nuisance, they, and each of them, may be charged with a civil infraction. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which such nuisance is permitted to exist.
Written comments on the issue may be submitted to 2700 Washington Road, Carsonville, MI 48419.
Persons interested are requested to be present. Pertinent information relative to this Hearing is on file at the Township office and may be examined by contacting the Township office, or attend the Public Hearing on the date specified.
Any concerns regarding the requirements of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act should be brought to the attention of the Township Clerk at (810) 543-1215. Individuals with disabilities who require auxiliary aids or services should contact the Township Office at least 5 days before the hearing.