Village of Deckerville Synopsis July 10, 2023 7:00 P.M.
Present: Village President Murdock, Council Members: Cesefske, Ridley, West, Noble, Kubik
Absent: Dore
Administration: Police Chief Fred Ameel, Treasurer Debbie Salowitz
Guests: Karen Bennett, William Eden, Sharon Varosi, Andy & Sue Watts, Joann Roy, Clare & Judy Darlington, Brian Kartanys, Peggy & Tim Ross, Annemarie Eggink, Casey Johnson, Joy Messing, Lyshel Sargent, Chris & Sara Wilson, Allison Stein, Creg Berger, Amanda Wheeler, Nichol Steenhuizen, Elizabeth King
Passed: Council person Kubik moved, Noble seconded to approve the minutes of June 12th, 2023.
Passed: Council person Kubik moved, Ridley seconded to accept the May’s Police, Fire & Treasurer’s
Passed: Council person Cesefske moved, Kubik seconded to approve the bills in the amount of $43,442.59.
Passed: Council person West moved, Cesefske seconded to present a proposal to McKenzie for their Ambulance Lease. Kubik abstained from the vote due to his employment with the Ambulance Service.
Passed: Council person Kubik moved, Noble seconded to make changes to fees on the small pavilion as well as the large pavilion at Wilson Park.
With no further business, Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.
Donald Murdock, Village President
Tina Confer, Village Clerk