NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Watertown Township Board of Trustees shall conduct a public hearing on December 5, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Watertown Township Hall at 2630 South Sandusky Road, Sandusky, MI 48471 for the purpose of receiving comments on the proposed draft of the Watertown Township Five Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
The Plan evaluates future recreation opportunities, reviews public opinion regarding recreation, establishes recreational goals, and purposes a five-year schedule of improvements and other related items that the Township wishes to pursue. A PDF copy of the Plan is available for review online at www.watertowntownship.net
If you are interested in submitting comments regarding the Draft Plan, please send comments to William Dixon, Township Supervisor at dixonwrd@gmail.com, or by phone at 810-837-2327. All comments, written and oral, will be noted for the record.