Tribune Recorder Leader

Your locally owned newspaper

Parting Shot 7/31/2019 Edition


Who said “The Caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity”? Do you know the correct answer? Call, e-mail, post a comment on our website or enter in person or via facebook starting at 12:00 noon on Wednesday through 5:00 p.m. on Monday, each week for your chance to win. Each person with a correct response will be entered into a random drawing for a pair of Firebird Theater movie tickets. Four pair of tickets will be awarded each week. Last week’s question: Helianthus: Freshly budding sunflowers are heliotropic, meaning they do what? Answer: Track the sun. The Parting Shot winners are: Carmen Blatt, Cathy Stringer, Lori Inbody, Mark Roberts. Winners may pick up their movie tickets at the Tribune Recorder Leader, 43 S. Elk St., Sandusky. The Tribune offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday each week.

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