Tribune Recorder Leader

Your locally owned newspaper


Present: Mayor Lukshaitis, Council Members: Harris, Bissett, Barr, Schramm, Mitchell and Stone
Absent: None
Administration: City Manager D. Faber, Director of Public Works M. Harris and Police Chief B. Lester
Guests: E. Levine
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Schramm seconded to approve the minutes of July 3, 2023 as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Harris seconded to approve the bills in the amount of $122,620.95.
Passed: Councilperson Stone moved, Bissett seconded to approve the agenda with one addition under New Business item e. MDOT Consent to Construct.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Stone seconded to approve the recommendation from the Cemetery Board to purchase one columbarium, which will be paid for by a doner; and the cement work to hold two columbariums as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Schramm moved, Mitchell seconded to approve the 2- year SRO Memorandum of Agreement as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Stone seconded to approve the Resolution to Tentatively Award a Construction Contract for Water System Improvements as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Harris seconded to approve the Bond Authorizing Resolution for the 2023 Capital Improvement Bond as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Mitchell moved, Stone seconded to approve the MDOT Consent to Construct as presented.
Passed: Councilperson Bissett moved, Barr seconded to adjourn at 6:00p.m.

Thomas Lukshaitis, Mayor
Laurie Burns, City Clerk

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