Deckerville Community Schools Board of Education Organizational/Regular Meeting Minutes – July 31, 2023

The Deckerville Community Schools Board of Education met in regular session, along with its Organizational Meeting on July 31, 2023 in the high school library.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Board President, Brandon Stolicker.
Members present: Randee Kirkpatrick, Curt Vogel, Brandon Stolicker, Kendra Messing, Richard Hamill, Jason McConnachie
Administrators present: Matthew Connelly, Josh Stern, Aaron Sutherland
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Jason McConnachie to adopt the agenda for the July 31, 2023 Organizational/Regular Meeting. Carried.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Richard Hamill to approve the regular meeting minutes of June 26, 2023. Carried.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Kendra Messing to approve the General Fund bills in the amount of $171,991.29. Carried.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Richard Hamill to approve the Athletic Fund bills in the amount of $7,399.92. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Curt Vogel to approve the Student/School Activity Fund bills in the amount of $76.50 as presented. Carried.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Richard Hamill to approve the Capital Project Fund bills in the amount of $342.34 as presented. Carried.
The Board reviewed the prompt pay bills for June 2023.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Jason McConnachie to adopt the 2023-2024 regular board meeting schedule to be held on the 4th Monday of each month with the exception of 3rd Mondays for August, December, March and May. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Richard Hamill to approve the following depositories to deposit school funds: Eastern Michigan Bank, Thumb Bank & Trust, Huntington Bank, Team One Credit Union, Chase, Michigan Investment Liquid Asset Fund (MILAF), Northstar Bank, UMB Bank. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Richard Hamill to approve Business Manager, Marsha Taylor, Allison Schulz, Monica Spranger and Superintendent, Matthew Connelly, for check signature authorization on their specific authorized accounts. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Curt Vogel to approve Lisa Fritch to carry out the election duties and the postings for public notices of meetings. Carried.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Randee Kirkpatrick to approve the fee for the retainer contract for Thrun Law Firm for the period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Richard Hamill to approve the Tribune Recorder Leader as the newspaper of publication. Carried.
The Board heard reports from the administrative staff Aaron Sutherland, Elementary Principal, Josh Stern, High School Principal and from Rustin Murdock, Technology Director, Monica Spranger, Athletic Director and Johnny Kirkpatrick, Facility-Wide Maintenance Supervisor.
Motion by Jason McConnachie, support by Richard Hamill to approve the hiring of Adrianna Nickel for the 4th Grade Teacher position. Carried.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Kendra Messing to approve the following fall coaches as presented. Carried.
Bill Brown – Head Varsity Football Coach; Dan Brown – Assistant Varsity Football Coach; Erick Burns – Head Junior Varsity Football Coach; Ethan Bowerman – Assistant Junior Varsity Football Coach; Dan Woodard – Junior High Football Coach; Josh Stern – Junior High Football Coach; Jessica Heilig – Head Varsity Volleyball Coach; Katelyn Vogel – Assistant Varsity Volleyball Coach; Monica Spranger – Junior Varsity Volleyball Coach; Denneil Park – 8th Grade Volleyball Coach; Sulyn Schumacher 7th Grade Volleyball Coach; Steve Linn – Head Cross Country Coach; Linda Wright – Assistant Cross Country Coach
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Richard Hamill to approve the Elementary Student Handbook changes for the 2023-24 school year as presented by Elementary Principal Aaron Sutherland. Carried.
Motion by Richard Hamill, support by Curt Vogel to approve the JH/HS handbook changes for 2023-24 as presented by Joshua Stern, High School Principal. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Jason McConnachie to approve the Deckerville Community School’s Athletic Code. Carried.
Motion by Curt Vogel, support by Richard Hamill to approve the resignation of Vicki Kiehl from the JH/HS Special Education Teacher position. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Randee Kirkpatrick to appoint Danielle Walsh to the open board seat to be filled for the remainder of the term. Roll call: Randee Kirkpatrick –Yes; Kendra Messing – Yes; Richard Hamill – Yes; Jason McConnachie – Yes; Curt Vogel – Yes; Brandon Stolicker – Abstained. Carried.
Motion by Jason McConnachie, support by Kendra Messing to adjourn at 7:49 p.m. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Randee Kirkpatrick, Secretary
Board of Education
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the adopted minutes of the regular board meeting held on the 31st day of July 2023 and that said adopted minutes have been available for public inspection at the address designated at the posted notice of said meeting from and after the 25th day of August, 2023.
Respectfully submitted,
Randee Kirkpatrick, Secretary
Board of Education