Deckerville Community Schools Board of Education Regular Meeting Minutes September 25, 2023
The Deckerville Community Schools Board of Education met in regular session on September 25, 2023 in the high school library.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President, Brandon Stolicker.
Members present: Kendra Messing, Richard Hamill, Brandon Stolicker, Danielle Walsh, Jason McConnachie, Randee Kirkpatrick
Members absent: Curt Vogel
Administrators present: Matthew Connelly, Josh Stern, Aaron Sutherland
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Danielle Walsh to adopt the agenda for the September 25, 2023 Regular Meeting. Carried.
Motion by Richard Hamill, support by Randee Kirkpatrick to approve the minutes of the August 21, 2023 regular meeting. Carried.
Motion by Richard Hamill, support by Kendra Messing to approve the General Fund bills in the amount of $301,041.50 as presented. Carried.
Motion by Richard Hamill, support by Danielle Walsh to approve the Athletic fund bills in the amount of $1,134.61 as presented. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Richard Hamill to approve the Student/School Activity Fund bills in the amount of $3,094.28 as presented. Carried.
Motion by Richard Hamill, support by Kendra Messing to approve the Food Service Fund bills in the amount of $11,540.66 as presented. Carried.
Motion by Richard Hamill, support by Kendra Messing to approve the Capital Projects Fund bills in the amount of $263,093.63 as presented. Carried.
Motion by Richard Hamill, support by Danielle Walsh to approve the Debt Service Fund bills in the amount of $19,700.00 as presented. Carried.
The Board reviewed the prompt pay bills for August 2023.
The Board heard reports from administrative staff Aaron Sutherland, Elementary Principal, and Josh Stern, High School Principal.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Richard Hamill to approve the hiring of John Kirkpatrick for the bus driver position. Carried.
Motion by Richard Hamill, support by Jason McConnachie to approve the hiring of Suzan Emerich for the High School Special Education teacher position. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Danielle Walsh to approve, with regret, the resignation of Kirk Forsyth from the Junior/Senior High School Science teacher position. Carried.
Motion by Jason McConnachie, support by Richard Hamill to approve Kendra Messing for the MASB delegate. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Randee Kirkpatrick to approve the updates made to the Food Service Financial Policy and the Meal Charging Policy. Carried.
Motion by Jason McConnachie, support by Kendra Messing to approve the Debt Retirement Millage at .98 and the Operating Millage at 18, both are the same as last year. Carried.
Motion by Kendra Messing, support by Danielle Walsh to adjourn at 7:41 p.m. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Randee Kirkpatrick, Secretary
Board of Education
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the adopted minutes of the regular board meeting held on the 25th day of September 2023 and that said adopted minutes have been available for public inspection at the address designated at the posted notice of said meeting from and after the 29th day of September.
Respectfully submitted,
Randee Kirkpatrick, Secretary
Board of Education