Village of Deckerville Synopsis October 16, 2023 7:00 P.M.
Present: Village President Murdock, Council Members: Cesefske, Ridley, West, Dore, Noble
Absent: Kubik
Administration: Village Supervisor/Fire Chief Tracy Hoff, Police Chief Fred Ameel, Treasurer Debbie Salowitz
Guests: Sharon Varosi, Karen Bennett, William Eden, Cheryl Hieber, Carrie Arndt, Clare Darlington, Chris & Irene Phillips
Passed: Council person Cesefske moved, West seconded to accept the Agenda as presented.
Passed: Council person West moved, Noble seconded to approve the minutes of September 14th as presented.
Passed: Council person Cesefske moved, Noble seconded to accept Septembers Fire & Treasurer’s reports.
Passed: Council person Cesefske moved, West seconded to approve the bills in the amount of $94,247.96.
Passed: Council person Noble, seconded by Ridley to approve the Kritzman land split.
Passed: Council person West moved, Noble seconded to close Main Street form Black River to Maple, between the hours 3:30 – 7:30 on December 8th for the DCDC’s Dicken’s of a Christmas.
Passed: Council person Cesefske moved, Ridley seconded to approve the Rules & Procedures as presented.
Passed: Council person West moved, Dore seconded to accept the September Police Report.
With no further business, Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.
Donald Murdock, Village President
Tina Confer, Village Clerk