Marlette Hospital Announces Rural Breastfeeding Support Program

Marlette Regional Hospital of Aspire Rural Health System is proud to announce our Rural Access to Breastfeeding Support program. The program is designed to improve maternal and infant health by providing access to breastfeeding supplies for new and breastfeeding mothers.
The program allows new and breastfeeding mothers to receive starter supply bags containing breastfeeding and infant supplies to assist mothers with getting started or continuing their breastfeeding journey. These supply bags will be distributed to patients at Marlette Regional Hospital’s United Pediatric and Internal Medicine Services Clinic and Deckerville Community Hospital’s Main Street Clinic while supplies last.
The Rural Access to Breastfeeding Support program is funded 100% by the Region 6 Perinatal Quality Collaborative and Sanilac County Health Department. We are grateful for the generous grant support of this program.
To schedule an appointment at United Pediatric & Internal Medicine Services in Marlette, or Main Street Clinic in Deckerville and receive one of our breastfeeding supply bags, please call 810-376-3100.