Scuttlebutt 10-28-15 Edition
Beware! Beware! This Saturday Marlette will be overrun by ghosts, villains, superheroes and others shady characters. Trick or Trail will be at the Marlette Elementary School’s Gayle’s Trail commencing at 3:00 p.m. and go until 4:30 p.m. That evening, will be the normal trick-or-treaters, if there is such a thing! So, if you are out on the road Saturday, please give a little extra care to look for our children on the road.
And, after the trick-or-treaters leave and you put the candy away you can rest a little extra, DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ends at 2:00 a.m., on Sunday, November 1. That means you roll the clock back an extra hour. There’s been talk of doing away with daylight savings time but I say, we need to keep it. At the end of the year, at least our government can claim they saved us some time (even though they really don’t).
Congratulations to the Marlette Boy’s Varsity Soccer Team on winning Districts. What an awesome season for our young men! Also, good luck to both Boy’s and Girl’s Cross Country Team who head to Algonac on Friday for regionals.
Turning to the October 29, 1915 Marlette Leader I am led to believe that the Marlette High School Band is now 100 years old! The small column in the paper stated “School’s Band is a Winner. Marlette’s new school band made its first outdoor appearance at the football game last Friday…” So, Congratulations to the Marlette Band for 100 years of excellence!
Continuing on with the October 29, 1915 Marlette Leader, it seems this prohibition thing is making more people criminals. For the second time in Sanilac County history, a grand jury was summoned to review charges of violations of the local option law. Local option is the “license granted to the inhabitants of a district to extinguish or reduce the sale of intoxicants in their midst.” Last but not least, you can buy a Chandler Six, with a removable winter top, touring car for just $1495. Stop by and see W.D. Matthews, the Chandler agent for Marlette.
Quote of the week comes from Indy Car racing great, Bobby Unser, “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.”
Only 58 days until Christmas! Expect greatness in your life!