New Athletic Director at Marlette Schools

The Marlette School Board held its regular January meeting on Monday, January 14, at 7:00 p.m. Superintendent Sarah Barratt called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present with Shane Hunter and Neal Bishop taking the oath of office.
The agenda was adopted and the election of officers began. Steve Quade and Nik Woods were nominated for president. Quade won with a vote of 5-2 with only Jay and Gina voting for Woods. Jaime Macumber was chosen vice president with a 7-0 vote. Nik Woods was chosen secretary with a 7-0 vote.
Tri-County Bank and Independent Bank were chosen as depositories for school funds with a vote of 6-0-1 with Jaime abstaining. Those being able to sign checks, contract, agreements and purchase orders remains the same – Sarah Barratt, Julie Quade, Deanna King and Cheryl Bruff.
The 2019 School Board schedule was approved with meetings being at 7:00 p.m. at the Elementary on the second Monday of the month. The electronic transfer official will be Sarah Barratt.
President Quade did not choose committee members during the meeting saying he would email Board members on Tuesday of where they would serve. He will also be responsible for posting all public notices of meetings.
Thrun Law Firm was approved as the school firm by a vote of 6-1.
Neal Bishop will be the representative to the Sanilac County Board Association. Shane Hunter and Neal Bishop will be the MASB representative and alternate. Jaime Macumber will continue to be the Jean Patrick Loan Representative for 2019. Sarah Barratt was approved to be the 504 Coordinator, Title VI Coordinator and the Title IX Coordinator for 2019.
The Tribune Recorder Leader was approved as the newspaper of notification for everything except notices related to the annual school board elections.
There were no citizens requesting to address the Board.
The consent agenda consisted of the December Board minutes, general fund payables of $486,275.90, the resignation of JV baseball coach Brandon Martin and approval of fund raisers.
In Old Business, the Athletic Director recommendation of Chris Clark was voted on with a vote of 5-1-1 in favor of. Gina Kraft voted no and Steve Quade abstained.
In New Business, Jay Burton resigned his seat saying it was time to step down after 10 years. Steve Quade thanked him for his years of service and said that the Board will look for candidates to fill his seat for the remainder of his term.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.