Eagle Beat 11-13-16 Edition
This week was dreaded by all students as they made their way back to school last Monday. It was a rough week back as students settled back into their school routines. As if coming back after break wasn’t hard enough, we finally had our fair dose of winter weather arrive on Monday. These winter conditions made for an interesting drive to school as well as multiple late buses. Even after all the students arrived safely, they all waited for the announcement of being sent home early. Sadly, this announcement never came.
Last week both the boys and girls basketball teams had a slightly different schedule. Neither team had a game early in the week. As a result, there were only games on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday the boys played home against Mayville. Our boys fell behind in the first half and part of the second half. However, they played an amazing fourth quarter and came out of a seventeen point deficit. The final score was 68-63. Next week, the boys will play CPS and Peck.
Friday the girls played Mayville. The game started out interesting with Deckerville only leading by a few points. It seemed that Mayville was going to be able to keep up with our girls. By the second quarter, the girls switched gears and had over a twenty point lead by half-time. This momentum continued throughout the rest of the game and the girls won 63-26. Next week, the girls will play against Memphis and Peck.
In October, the junior class took a test called the PSAT. This is basically a practice test for the SAT the students will take in the spring. For those juniors who took the PSAT, the results are out. You can either create an account online at collegeboard.org to see your results, or you can wait another month until the school receives them.
Any students who plan to go on the Boston trip in April are reminded to register as soon as possible. This will reserve your spot on the trip and will help you set up a payment plan. You can fill out the registration form included in your packet or can register online at gerbertours.com with the codes also included in your packet.
Seniors should have their baby pictures to a yearbook students as soon as possible. These photos are needed for the yearbook and it would be appreciated if they were brought in sooner rather than later.
Reminder to students that exams are only two weeks away. If you’d like to do well on these exams (they are 10% of your final grade) start studying now rather than cramming two weeks from now.