CPS Prepares for New School Year
The CPS Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, August 8.
Met new staff members: Jenny Muxlow (Student Teacher); Chrissla Harris (2nd Grade); Heather Paterson (Tuition Preschool)
Heard from Matt Harris on the lagoon bubbling and the course of action.
Heard from Tim Muter, CM/Hendricks & Sons) on the Design Build proposals for the HVAC work being paid for by federal ESSER (covid) funds.
The BoE took action to follow the CM recommendation and approve the design proposal of Goyette at a cost of $749,709.
Approved Leighann Franzel, GSRP Preschool; Approved the contract for Michelle Warren, Central Office Administrative Assistant; Approved the HS Master Schedule, Handbooks for both buildings and the Athletic Gate fees for ’22-’23 school year; Approved Dru Moran as the CPS representative on the Sanilac ISD Special Education Advisory Parent Committee; Approved participation in the (CEP) Community Eligible Program which would allow all students to eat free; breakfast and lunch for the ’22-’23 year. Schools must qualify for this program.
Projects Update:
Milling has begun on the Track
Sidewalks and other concrete work for Phase II of the fencing project should start yet this week. We are hoping for entire completion prior to the first football game on August 26..
ATHLETIC PASSES: CPS Students – FREE; Senior Citizen (60 Years Old) – FREE; Family Pass (2 or more) – $120; Individual Pass – $60; Gate Prices: $5 HS & JR. HIGH; 5 and Under FREE
Superintendent Report:
Sheriff Dept used our facility last week for training; The sod looks good at the football complex; Shrubs removed in front of both buildings, looks great! Thanks Greg Fruge’, Trenton Mitchell and Matt Washe; Districtwide Mailer is being printed and will be out soon; Bids for the blue truck are due on Thursday
J. Richmond – Elementary Principal:
Discussed upcoming Professional Development for teachers; Passed a card around for the all to sign to send to 6th grade student, Josh Nichols, who was recently in a boating accident.
Michelle Campbell – Hs Principal/AD:
Showed a short video on YouUpLift which both buildings will be using. It is a social media platform that is intended to be an encouragement.
The next meeting will be Monday, September 12, at 6:00 p.m., in the elementary school.