Down Main Street
William R. Dixon
Owner, Tribune Recorder Leader
It seems like about every ten years, America endures some form of tragedy. History is chocked full of wars and plague, all that have been overcome by faithful and resourceful Americans.
The COVID disease shall also come to pass and the sacrifices made during this National and State call to action may well pale in comparison to those made when a nation was called to war.
We have been called to sit on our couch for a few weeks.
The Tribune Recorder Leader has been designated as one of the essential media and information businesses as part of Governor Whitmer’s Executive order 21. We will continue to publish the newspaper each week as we have for 139 years.
We have, as part of what we feel is our patriotic duty, closed our front door to walk in traffic until April 14, 2020. Customers can still contact us by telephone, fax, website, email and social media. There will also be a drop box near the front door.
The Governor’s shelter in place executive order has shuttered thousands of businesses across Michigan, many of whom will not re-open. Regrettably, there may be as many business casualties as human ones.
The action was inevitable and necessary to slow the rate of new infections. This proactive effort of isolation is our best hope of being able to adapt and persevere this attack on our way of life.
The Coronavirus situation is rapidly developing and additional government ordered changes to business operating procedures are inevitable.
Currently grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations and other essential businesses will remain open to the public.
While the prospect of contracting COVID-19 is frightening, we are not powerless to reduce the rate of infection.
• Practice safe social distancing (six feet or more)
• Cover your face when coughing or sneezing.
• Wash your hands with soap and warm water (30 seconds of continuous washing destroys the virus)
• Avoid touching your face, especially after touching surfaces which may carry the disease (cardboard 12 hours, plastic/stainless steel up to three days.)
As of press time there was one confirmed cases of COVID for Sanilac County. Only time will tell if we have been spared from the prolific impact.
Things in life are what each individual makes them out to be. Take some time in the next few weeks to count your blessings. Get to know the people in your house again. Go for a walk, play with your dog, read a good book and enjoy each others company. This too shall come to pass.
Dear editor,
I first want to thank the gentleman who stopped my our home the afternoon of September 14 and left me a note of thanks for the flags and something special for me. THANK YOU! I very much appreciated your thoughtfulness.
These flags for me represent the very best of our country and during these difficult times, we just all need to take a minute and realize that we are so fortunate to live in the Untied States, a place that the world looks up to and to where many would love to live. All the men who fought and gave their lives for this wonderful country. I often wonder what they would think today, all the fighting they did for a country with all this violence and riots going on today.
I second want to thank all of the folks who inquired about me and my health as I have not been out and about as much this year as in the past. My son and daughter-in-law have been asked numerous times during this year about how I was doing. Though many of these people have never met me, it warms my heart that my community would be concerned about a fellow who sits and waves “hello’s” at the passing traffic.
Lastly, please vote in this upcoming election, take the time to really learn about your candidate and their positions on the issues that matter the most to you, do not just rely on the news outlets or other peoples opinions, but vote from your heart and conscious.
America is a great country and we are more fortunate than people believe or appreciate. .
God bless you and God bless America!
Art Reynolds
Thanks for reaching out Mr. Reynolds.
Look for your letter to the editor on 10-14-2020/
Very Best regards,
-Bill Dixon