Precious Baby Contest Winners

Right to Life of Sanilac County would like to announce the winners of its 19th Annual Precious Baby Contest:
First place and $150 is awarded to baby Hayes Haupt, son of Jordan and Jeanelle Haupt of Marine City, MI.
Second place and $75 goes to baby #8 Theo Rink IV, son of Christa Lawrence and Ted Rink of Sandusky, MI.
The Third place winner of $50 is #26 Hoyt Wade, son of Jordan and Jeremiah Wade of Peck, MI.
The Fourth place winner is baby #11 Layne Genoff, daughter of Kylie Smith and Derek Genoff of Deckerville, MI, she wins $25.
Honorable Mentions go to the following:
36 Beckham Dorman; #23 Faustin Good; #29 Brielle Schumacher; #20 Hunter Retzler.
Congratulations to all the contestants, without parents that chose life, this contest would not be possible.
Thank you to the many fairgoers, proud grandparents, parents, family members and friends that voted in the contest this year. Your support of life is greatly appreciated!
Profits from this contest will be donated to the following area agencies: The Sanilac County Baby Pantry in Sandusky, the Spero Pregnancy Center in Port Huron, and Positive Alternatives in Bad Axe and Caro. These area agencies help support pregnant mothers and mothers of young children.
The contest was held from Monday, August 8 – Saturday, August 13, and was displayed at the Right to Life fair booth during the Sanilac County 4-H Fair. There were 52 very precious contestants in this year’s contest.
Please visit for upcoming events and for info regarding the contest for next year. You can also view their page on Facebook, at Right to Life of Sanilac County.