Swingset for Diamond Trail donated by Mother Goose Proceeds
The Mother Goose Nursery School, which got its start in the basement of the Presbyterian Church in Sandusky, and through fundraisers, was able to purchace the old Bolsby School House on Custer Road, existed from 1973-2005. Hundreds of children went through the doors of the nursery school, until changes in the community changed the need for childcare, and the school closed in 2005.
The proceeds of the sale of the Mother Goose Nursery School has benefitted many activities and organizations – The Sanilac County Sheriff’s Departy – Safetyville Program and Trailer; Sandusky District Library Preschool books; Sanilac Historic Museum; Boy Scout Troop 333 camping trailer; Sandusky Splash Pad; and most recently a donated swingset at the Diamond Trail Walking Trail.
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Tuesday, at 9:00 a.m. for the new swingset. Past parents and kids participated in the event.