Sandusky Residents Learn About Downtown Road Construction
Dozens attended the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) informational meeting last Thursday at Sandusky City Hall. The open house style event was held to showcase the planned 2024-2025 improvements for both M-19 (S. Elk St.) and M-46 (Sanilac Ave.). MDOT has stated that both routes will remain open to traffic during construction. Lincoln Street will become a one way street traveling only east between Elk and Morse St and will get angle parking on the North side. The new design will add three additional handicap slots and nearly double the number of regular parking spots. It also includes bump outs similar to the ones found at the four corners. M-46 improvements in Sandusky are expected to begin in March 2024 and finish in November 2024. Road work will be coordinated with the City of Sandusky water main improvements. The remaining work on M-19 and M-46, including the Black River bridge replacement, are expected to begin in late April 2025 and finish in November 2025. Detours will be required during the some of the road work and bridge replacement. Dates for those closures will be announced in advance of the start of construction.