Sandusky Sweetheart Court Announced

SWEETHEART CANDIDATES: Sandusky High School will hold their Sweetheart Dance on Saturday, January 26th. Senior Sweetheart Court members include – front (l-r): Molly Hartel, Marisa Schiller, Madison Greer and Talia Bulgrien. Back (l-r): Anthony Filkins, Colton Cowley, John Goheen and Logan Leen. The candidates have chosen to raise money for P-Cups and B-Cups during Sweetheart Week. They will be selling pink and blue awareness ribbons, will hold a hat day, and encourage the student body to dress in pink or blue on Friday for awareness. Students learned about the organizations and the impact they have on this community on Tuesday during the Meet the Candidate assembly. The 50/50 proceeds from the Sweetheart game will also be divided between both organizations. The crowning of King and Queen will take place during halftime of Friday’s game.