Eagles split with Pirates
The Peck Pirates traveled to Deckerville last Monday, tieing the first game, 10-10.
For the Pirates, Abbey Bullis, single; Morgan Winiarski, single, triple, 3 RBI; Emma Engler, triple, 1 RBI; Ann Demaray, single 1 RBI.
Morgan Winiarski pitched 5 innings before the game was called due time limit. She allowed 4 hits and struck out 4.
The Deckerville Eagles took game 2, 16-4.
Bullis, Anna Dhooge, Casey Light, Demaray each had a single; Engler was 3 for 3 at the plate with 2 singles and a double; Gia Adame a single and double.
Morgan Winiarski pitched 3 innings allowing 4 hits and 8 runs, Gia Adame came in to relieve Winiarski and pitched 3 innings allowing 9 hits and 8 runs.
Peck was scheduled to play CPS last Thursday, but had to reschedule the game due to not enough players. Deckerville had a bye so they agreed it was too nice a day not to play so they traveled to Peck for a double header.
The Eagles took game one, 16-10.
For the Pirates, Abbey Bullis- 2 singles, 1 RBI; Emma Engler- double and single- 4 RBI; Anna Dhooghe- Single and double- 2 RBI; Grace Sullivan – single; Leah Engler- Single with 2 RBI
Morgan Winiarski pitched 7 innings for Peck.
The Eagles took the nightcap by one, 8-7.
For the Pirates, Morgan Winiarski- single; Anna Dhooghe- 2 singles- 2 RBI; Annie Demarary- double.
Gia Adame started the game, pitched 4 innings and was relieved by Morgan Winiarski who pitched 3.