Country School Pictures Sought
Sanilac County country school pictures are being sought to share at the annual Sanilac County Country Schools Reunion to be held at Forester Park on Sunday, August 13, at 1:00 p.m., in the north end of the outside pavilion.
Everyone is welcome, just bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Bring any school pictures you wish to share. Those who cannot attend, may contact Joyce Reid at 810-404-4028, or at her home at 4028 Ruth Road, Deckerville 48427. She is also planning to make copies to be placed in the school section of the Deckerville Historical Museum. All pictures will be promptly returned, unless you wish to donate them to the museum.
Please give any information about the pictures you have, and your name, address and phone number.
Atlases of Sanilac County will be available to show the schools’ locations.