Deckerville Lions Add Eyeglasses Drop Box
Refractive eye problems can be easily corrected but unfortunately millions of people living in low income countries lack access to basic eye care. Lions recognize the urgent need for corrective lenses and collect usable glasses in their communities to support the Lions Recycle For Sight Program.
The Deckerville Lions Club recently installed an eye glasses drop box at the Municipal Building on Black River Street. Modeled after the drop box of the Sandusky Lions Club, it provides a convenient way to dispose of unwanted glasses and help others at the same time. Lion Greg Alexander said, “When we were considering this for our club I spoke to Sandusky Lion Brett Lester; he told me their box has been a great success”.
At official Lion Eyeglass Recycling Centers, glasses are sorted to determine if they are usable, processed, inventoried, and then distributed to optical missions around the world. Usable glasses give new life.