Down Main Street 11-30-22 Edition
Sandusky Elementary has started their new after-school tutoring program. Roughly 65 students are already utilizing the program in grades K-6. The students meet once a week in small groups for an hour. The focus currently is literacy skills.
Sandusky Elementary was having trouble with their plumbing but following some education on what is and is not okay to flush, the problems seem to have largely resolved.
Sandusky Elementary is hosting an event titled Santa’s Workshop this Friday. The event is aimed at giving students a chance to purchase a gift for family and loved ones, with prices on all items below the $5 threshold. The gifts will be wrapped on site and all of the items are being provided by local vendors to the community.
The third graders will be performing at the Courthouse Lawn in Sandusky at 7:00 p.m. on Friday December 2nd for the annual Tree Lighting ceremony.
The Elementary school will be holding their Christmas Concert on December 19th with the Kindergarten, first and second graders performing at 5:30 p.m. and the fourth graders performing at 7:00 p.m.
The Sandusky High School Drama Club has been rehearsing their hearts out for their upcoming play: “Closed for the Holiday”. “Closed for the Holiday” opens next Friday, December 9th at the Sandusky High School at 7:00 p.m.
“Closed for the Holiday” will also be performed on Saturday December 10th at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. as well as Sunday December 11th at 2:00 p.m.
The Sandusky Band Winter Concert will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday December 12th, with performances by the Sixth Grade Band, Jr. High Cadet Band and Senior Band.
Sandusky High School students are working with community organizations to provide gifts to the less-fortunate in our area. The Student Council is partnering with the Sandusky Lions Club for their “Toys for Kids” drive that runs through December 13th. Donations of unwrapped toys can be dropped off at Toys for Kids drop boxes at local businesses around the area, including the Tribune Recorder Leader at 43 South Elk St. in Sandusky.
The National Honor Society has also partnered with Sandusky Elementary to provide gifts for those Sandusky Elementary students that are in need of a little extra Christmas cheer.