Down Main Street
Here’s an interesting experiment.
Q: Write down five things that you LOVE?
This question has been asked many times, rarely however, does “me,” “myself,” or I” anywhere in the top five.
When you consider the many Bible passages that command “Love of your Neighbor as Thyself”, is it any wonder we sometimes fall short of the ideal?
Here’s your challenge for this week. Do something smart and move yourself up on the list. Your ability to love your neighbors is directly related to your capacity to love yourself.
The Splash Pad at Doerr Field and Sandusky City Park is nearing completion.
All of the water features have been installed and the service building is being constructed this week.
A community Work-Bee will be scheduled in the near future to finish clean-up, grading, grass, and perennial planting as well as bench and picnic table installation.
Several benches and tables have been purchased for the park by community business, organizations and individuals.
Only a few picnic table sponsorships remain. Cost for the tables are $875.00 and include a custom printed plaque affixed to the top. If you would like to place your business or memorial on one of the few remaining tables, contact Lynette Lawrence-Kirk at (810)648-4600.
Congratulations to the Sandusky Arts Council on another great Lawn Chair Music Series on the Courthouse Lawn.
The talent, crowd and setting improves with each passing year.
Our community is a better place to live, due in no small part, to all of your efforts.
While I’m on the subject of music. Congratulations are also in order for the organizers of the East Ports Blues Festival held at the Harbor Park in Port Sanilac.
Two solid days, nearly a dozen different bands, and thousands of spectators cycled through the park at the second annual event last Friday and Saturday.