Falls retires after 25 Years of Service
After 25 years of civic service, Corrine Falls attended her final meeting as Sanilac Township Planning Commissioner on May 2.
Corrine Falls devoted her time and expertise to serving the Township of Sanilac in many capacities and positions of significance over a span of 25 years. Corrine served two terms as a township trustee from January 5, 1999 to November 19, 2008. In May of 2007, Corrine was appointed to the Sanilac Township Planning Commission and has served that role for 17 years.
Members of the Sanilac Township Board and Planning Commission Board are extremely grateful for Corinne’s many contributions to the Township of Sanilac and its residents.
“Therefore it has been resolved that the Sanilac Township Board of Trustees and Planning Commission Bard recognizes the commitment and dedication of Corinne Falls. The members of both boards offer their sincere thanks and appreciation for the time she has invested in serving the Township of Sanilac. Be it further resolved that this resolution be spread upon the official records of the Township of Sanilac and that on behalf of the Citizens of Sanilac Township we thank you.”
The Sanilac Township Planning Commission enjoyed a congratulatory cake after the adjournment of the May 2 meeting.