First Responders to be Honored
Thirty Sanilac County Law-Enforcement Officers, Dispatchers, Firefighters, E.M.T.’s and Citizens will be honored at the Sanilac County Police and Firemen’s Association Awards Dinner on Saturday, June 20, at the Shrine Park. The awards presentation is part of the fourth annual Sanilac County Public Safety Day.
Sanilac County’s Citizen of the Year is Annette Gonzalez Bishop.
“Life-Saving Certificate of Recognition” awards will be presented to Sandusky resident Jim Street, and Sanilac County Sheriff’s Deputies Brian Moran and Gerard Marshall.
Sanilac County Detective Sgt. Darrin Siemen will receive the “Law Enforcement Officer of the Year” award.
“Law Enforcement Life-Saving” Awards will also be presented to Jason Schoen of the Lexington Police Department, Sanilac County Corrections Sgt. Chad Billot and Deputies Jeanie Adamczyk, Jeremy Abrego, and Brian Moran.
Sanilac County’s “Dispatcher of the Year” is Dispatcher Jennifer Hartel.
A “Meritorious Service Award” will also be given to Sanilac County Dispatcher Sarah Gutc.
THE “ FIRE FIGHTER OF THE YEAR” is Elk Township firefighter Adam Bullock.
Sanilac EMS Paramedic Tammy Katt will receive the E.M.T. of the Year Award.
“LIFE-SAVING MERITORIOUS SERVICE” awards will also be presented to paramedics Terry McGregor and Bonnie Hoff, as well as EMT’s Jody Bolsby, Cody Huff, Casey Hoff, Marcia McGregor, and Doug Moran.
Retiring Deckerville Police Chief Torp has been named the winner of the PRESIDENT’S AWARD.
Sanilac County “PUBLIC SAFETY AWARENESS AWARDS” will be given to Sanilac County Sheriff’s Sgt. Steven McKenney, Deputy Ronald Dubois, Marlette Police Chief Brian McGinnis, Sandusky Chief Brett Lester and officer Matt Gezequel, Croswell Chief Dave Hall and officer Kenneth Western, and Sanilac I.S.D Superintendent Duane Lange.
The public is welcome to attend the Awards Dinner from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., and the Awards Program at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, June 20, at the Shrine Park. Tickets for the steak dinner with all the fixings are only $15 and can be purchased from your local fire chief, or the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Department. They will also be available at the park on the day of the event.
The Sanilac County Public Safety Day, begins at noon with family games and activities, softball games, and safety information. Refreshments and food will be available. For more information, call Chief Todd Hillman at 810-648-3366.