Tribune Recorder Leader

Your locally owned newspaper

“Love, Our Community”

Mrs. Laura Flanagan’s third graders have been blessed by their community this holiday season. Sarah Ellis made and donated many beautiful quilts. Each child received an unique quilt. Mrs. Ellis also made a twin size quilt for the teacher which made from the scraps of each quilt. This was presented to Mrs. Flanagan by her mentor, Ashley Mater, who also brought fabric pens for the students to sign their names on a stripe that matches their quilt. Each student also received a book that was purchased with them in mind by money donated by many people in our community. The gift tags were signed “LOVE, Our Community”.
Mrs. Flanagan was born and raised in Deckerville. This is her first year teaching third grade and says she has always felt blest to live in this community.

Mrs. Laura Flanagan poses with her quilt.

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