Parting Shot 1-13-16 Edition
Cover Your Nose: Woodpeckers have special feathers covering their noses to prevent what substance from entering? Do you know the correct answer? Call, e-mail, post a comment on our website or enter via facebook starting at 12:00 noon on Wednesday through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, each week for your chance to win. Each person with a correct response will be entered into a random drawing for a pair of Firebird Theater movie tickets. Four sets of tickets will be awarded each week. Last Parting Shot Question: Call in your favorite Christmas light display. Answer: Any address accepted. Last Parting Shot winners were: Pat Roberts, Gerry Lyons, Shirley Houthoofd, John Bezotte. Winners may pick up their movie tickets at the Tribune Recorder Leader office at our new location, 43 S. Elk St., across from Mainstreet Cafe.