Parting Shot 3/14 Edition
Beetle juice, Beetle juice… Don’t say it a third time. What is the common name for this flower? Do you know the correct answer? call, e-mail, post a comment on our website or enter in person or via facebook starting at 12:00 noon on Wednesday through 5:00 p.m. on Monday, each week for your chance to win. each person with a correct response will be entered into a random drawing for a pair of Firebird theater movie tickets. Four pair of tickets will be awarded each week. last week’s question: ASH WeDNeSDAY: What are you giving up for lent? Some of the best answers we received: being mean to a brother, talking back to mom for 60 days, Fish, doughnuts, listening to politicians on tV, just to name a few. last Parting Shot winners were: Alexandra Hanson, Donna lee, carley Wendorf and Nikkita Nichols. Winners may pick up their movie tickets at the tribune Recorder leader, 43 S. elk St., Sandusky