Parting Shot 8/28/19 Edition

How long do fawns keep their spots? Do you know the correct answer? Call, e-mail, post a comment on our website or enter in person or via facebook starting at 12:00 noon on Wednesday through 5:00 p.m. on Monday, each week for your chance to win. Each person with a correct response will be entered into a random drawing for a pair of Firebird Theater movie tickets. Four pair of tickets will be awarded each week. The last question: Butterfly or moth? Answer: Butterfly! (specifically a dark green fritillary) Telling moths and butterflies apart is a simpler task than it seems. Most moths are nocturnal, but the few that are active during the daytime can be differentiated from their butterfly counterparts using antennae. Butterflies have long slender antenna with small protective caps on the end. Moths lack these caps, and may have antennae with protrusions that resemble feathers. The Parting Shot winners are: Randy Regentin, Irene Barker, Lorna Krueger, Bud Inbody. Winners may pick up their movie tickets at the Tribune Recorder Leader, 43 S. Elk St., Sandusky.