Peck Village and Peck Community Schools Police Liaison Pilot Program in Effect
The Peck School District and Village of Peck have entered into an agreement to provide dedicated coverage to place a village officer (liaison) on school premises. The program will cover the school year (40 weeks) with an officer available exclusively to the district for four hours per week. The schedule of time at the school will be mutually agreed upon between the Peck Police Department and the School District. Some of the dedicated time will be during scheduled school hours and some hours may be during extracurricular events – evenings or weekends.
The program will begin May 1, 2018 and run through the 2018/19 school year. In April of 2019 the pilot program will be evaluated for the future. The Peck District is very grateful to Mayor Hill, Police Chief Paul Rich and the Village Council for agreeing to enter into this agreement to add to the safety of our students. While the police department already visits the schools often and provides excellent support, this partnership will further enhance the safety of the district.