Samsung Solar still interested in Watertown Twp.
Samsung Solar continues to be interested in Watertown Township as the possible site of a large scale solar development.
At a regular meeting of the Watertown Township Board of Trustees, an email communication from Samsung’s Katherine Park was presented. The contact was reported by Supervisor Franzel, in absentia due to a family vacation.
Samsung has requested and been provided with copies of three different ordinances including; Ordinance 200, Solar Power Generating Facilities, and Communication Towers.
The company indicated that a special use application for solar development may be forthcoming in the near future.
In other Watertown news, the township will again sponsor a FREE dump day on Saturday July 30th from 9am to 4pm. Residents may dispose of household refuse free of charge. NO Firearms, weapons or explosives, tires, chemicals, paint, air conditioners, freezers, refrigerators, ammunition, or explosives are allowed.
There will also be a community-wide yard sale, with setup starting at 7am (no early setups Friday night), with sale hours of 9am – 4pm. Clean up from 4- 5pm (dumpsters available for discarding unwanted items).
As part of the day’s festivities a kids bounce house and high speed internet demonstrations will take place thanks to Highline Internet. Dumpsters, sponsored by Waste Management will be located at vacant lot across from the Township Hall.
Residents may also pick-up absentee ballots from Clerk Tammy Ross throughout the day.