Sandusky Tennis Academic All State
The Sandusky Tennis team once again was named Academic All State for D4, with four players winning the Senior All-Academic Award – Caleb Minard, Isabella Stoutenburg, Annie Ross and Jonathan Wentzel.
Team members include: Finn Nugent, Jacob Pink, Colson Eason, Zack Scribner, Abigail Thorp, Emma Minard, Carson Shampo, Annie Ross, Jonathon Wentzel, Jake Papp, Caleb Minard, Gabe Drabant, Jackson Kartanys, Logan Trepkowski, Christian Shuart, Carson Shuart and Isabella Stoutenburg.
To qualify for the All-Academic certificate, a team’s average must have a minimum of a 3.25 GPA using non-weighted grades.
The All-Academic certificate is based on the regional line-up.The team’s Grade Point Average (GPA) is based on each student/player’s cumulative (9-12) GPA in the semester prior to the season of play.
Senior Players with a GPA of at least 3.75 can get the Senior Player All Academic Award even if the team does not qualify for the All Academic Award.