“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!”
A play presented by the Sandusky High School Drama Department

The Sandusky High School Drama Department presented their production of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!” this past weekend at Sandusky High School. The play, based on the book of the same name by Barbara Robinson, follows the story of six children who volunteer to star in their town’s Sunday School Christmas Pagaent and end up teaching the entire town the meaning of Christmas. The cast (pictured above) listed in no particular order (In the format of Actor: Role): Macy LaJoie: Beth Bradley, Abbey Thorp: Mother (Grace Bradley), Bradey Steeb: Father (Bob Bradley), Ethan Miller: Charlie Bradley, Micheala Miller: Imogene Herdman, Bryce Renke: Ralph Herdman, Cameron Black: Leroy Herdman, Timothy Etter: Claude Herdman, Victoria Brown: Ollie Herdman, Olivia Mazunda: Gladys Herdman, Morgan Badgerow: Alice Wendlekin, Brynn Radloff: Maxine, Vivienne Huysentruyt: Elmer Hopkins/Mrs. Armstrong, Jinx McIntire: Hobie, Sage Palmer: David, Taylor Shneider: Shirley, Kora Adamski: Juanita, Dakota Langelier: Doris, Layla Miller: Beverly, Nick Leen: Reverend Hopkins, Alanna Flach: Mrs. Slocum, Addisyn Fick: Mrs. McCarthy, Gabriella Beatty: Mrs. Claus, Arihanna Adamski: Mrs. Clark.