Van Sickle Reunion Held
The descendents of John and Mary Caroline (Purdy) and Catherine Jane (Oliver) Van Sickle met for their 106th reunion on Sunday, July 24, at Delaware Hall, with Verilyn Poleva and Denise Long, hostesses. Unfortunately, Verilyn tested positive for Covid after arriving in Michigan from Minnesota, so could not be with them.
A delicious catered dinner was enjoyed by everyone, followed by the annual business meeting held with Vice-President Denise Long proceeding. Family records were brought up-to-date with three births, Jargas Willard Marquardt, Nathan Albrecht and Rose Hundrich. There were four deaths – Howard Badgero, Eva Goheen, Mildred Caswell Smith and Ron Hooper. There were four marriages – Jonathon and Brinna Dorman, Matt Shaw and Kristen Marquardt and Michael Neel and Maggie Pillars. Married the longest was Dale and Sandy Seiler and Don and Barbara Van SYckel (note the old spelling).
Officers were selected for the 2023 reunion, with President Dennis Seiler, Vice-President Denise Long, Secretary and Treasurer, Kimberly Thompson and Denise Long.
The oldest member present was Bob Brooks and the youngest, Denise Long. Bob Brooks and Karen Glover traveled the furthest to attend.
The afternoon was spent renewing acquaintances and looking at the many displays of family photos and history. These will be placed in the Van Sickle files at the Deckerville Historical Museum. A group family photo was taken and ice cream was enjoyed by everyone.
The 2023 reunion will be hosted by Reg and Judy Van Sickle, at the Delaware Hall, on Sunday, July 23, at 12:30 p.m.