Marlette Alumni Banquet Sept. 9th
The Marlette School Foundation (a.k.a. Marlette Alumni Association) will hold their Alumni Banquet this year on Saturday September 9, 2023, beginning at noon in the “old” gym at the Marlette Jr/Sr H.S.. The banquet invitation is currently for alumni who are celebrating their 49th or greater reunion though there have been discussions to change this for future banquets.
The banquet is held every three years and honors 3 classes which are the 49th, 50th and 51st reunion classes. Because we had no banquet in 2020, we’ll be honoring 6 classes (1969-1974) to get caught up.
Because there is no meal this year and only refreshments, there is no charge, but you still need to register by August 12, 2023, so we can plan for the number of refreshments and seating required for the event. We will be accepting contributions to our project fund at the banquet.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Leon Westover Jr. (Class of 1962) at 989-550-8642 (call or text).