2023 Sanilac County Youth and 4H Fair Section
The Sanilac County Fair Returns August 6th – 12th

Sandusky, MI – The fun-filled week so many Sanilac County residents look forward to annually is right around the corner! With many traditions continuing as well as new attractions, the Sanilac County Youth & 4-H Fairboard is excited to spend the week with you! The Fair will be held from Sunday, August 6th to Saturday, August 12th at the Sanilac County Fairgrounds on Dawson Street in Sandusky.
The Fair kicks off on Sunday, August 6th with the Sanilac County Youth & 4-H Fairboard Auction taking place at 3:00 p.m. in the Dairy Barn. With both live and silent auctions, there are sure to be great deals and something for everyone! The auction has proven to be a highly successful fundraiser for the fair over the years, and the proceeds will help to support many Sanilac County children. The day continues with Friend of the Fair, Quilt Raffle Drawing, and King and Queen Court all being announced at 3:30 p.m. in the Dairy Barn. Enjoy a Pulled Pork dinner at the Eatstand from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., then watch the Brick Dedication taking place at 6:00 p.m. at the John Cook Pavilion. In between events and throughout the week, be sure to look around the Fairgrounds to see The Quack Pack, a group of talented dogs herding ducks; The Flying Pages, doing thrilling stunts; and say hi to the show animals who are hanging out in the barns! Sunday concludes with the Gospel Sing at the Grandstands at 7:00 p.m. The Fairgrounds are open from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday with No Admission charge and no rides.
Monday, August 7th, the Animal Shows begin at 9:00 a.m. with Horses & Ponies, Prospect Beef, Alpacas, and Sheep being shown throughout the day in the Dairy Barn, Livestock Arena, and Equestrian Arena. “The Youth and 4-H members place so much effort into their animals to be ready for this week, and they would love the community presence and support,” shares Jay Berry, Sanilac County Youth & 4-H Fairboard President. Starting Monday and available until Saturday, there will be a Dairy Educational Trailer available throughout the day by the Grand Champion Barn, which is a fantastic way to gain a better understanding of the Dairy Industry. Inflatables will also be set up on Monday in front of the Round Roof Barn! The inflatables will remain in that location for the remainder of the week for little ones to enjoy! Monday concludes with the SJO Productions Supercross at the Grandstands at 7:00 p.m.! No rides will be available, but carnival food will be open. The Fairgrounds are open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Monday with an admission cost of $10 per person!
Tuesday, August 8th, is Senior Citizen and Veterans Day at the Fairgrounds from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.! Within those hours, anyone over 60 and veterans get admission for only $8! Come and join us for a wonderful day with Swine (market and showmanship), Horses & Ponies, Dairy Veal Calves, and Poultry shows starting at 9:00 a.m. and continuing throughout the day! Tuesday is also “Homemaker Day” with the Homemaker Presentation taking place at the Grandstands at 6:45 p.m. Following the presentation, the Figure 8 Derby will take over the Grandstands with a show that is sure to impress! Throughout the day visit the various barns to see the many displays of fine arts, clothing and textiles, food and nutrition, and other demonstrations of all the things the Youth have learned throughout the year. Also, make sure to stop by the eat stand and meet some of the amazing members and get some tasty food! Tuesday is the first day of the week that rides by Big Rock Amusements will be available! From 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., ride all the rides you can, as they are included in the one-price cost of $15 per person for general admission. The Fairgrounds are open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday.
The week continues Wednesday, August 9th, with a day that can be enjoyed by all. The Sanilac County Youth & 4-H Fairboard partnered with Sanilac County Community Mental Health and the Sanilac County ISD to host the first Differently Abled Day, where everyone can enjoy the fair without conditions that may hinder their experience. “The Fair can be an overwhelming place with all the loud sounds,” explains Berry “On Wednesday we are going to lower the sounds to make it inclusive for those sensitive to them.” Anyone differently abled, physically or mentally, can enter the fair for $8 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to enjoy all the great events happening that day! Any questions about the adjustments made for the day can be directed to Sanilac County CMH. There will also be a sensory tent, with less sensory-stimulating and overwhelming activities, available throughout the whole week. Animal shows for the day include Miniature Horses, Beef Cattle, Goats, Cats, and The Proud Equestrian Program! Shows start at 9:00 a.m. and continue throughout the day. The midway and rides will start at 3:00 p.m. and continue until the close of the fair at 10:00 p.m. Welcoming back to the grandstands is the community favorite Bump and Run at 7:00 p.m.! General admission is $15.
Wrangle up the kids or grandchildren for this year’s Kids Day, Thursday, August 10th, for a day filled with carnival food and games! Vendors from local organizations will be inside the building next to the grandstands all morning with crafts, games, and giveaways for children of all ages to enjoy! There will also be a pedal pull for kids to participate in at 1:00 p.m. on the blacktop behind the Grandstands! A breastfeeding tent, hosted by the Sanilac County Health Department, will be available all week for mothers to breastfeed or for a private area to change infants. Admission for Kids 0-8 between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. is only $8! Animal shows once again start at 9:00 a.m. and will include Horses & Ponies, Breeding Beef, All Dairy, Rabbits, and Livestock Judging! Rides will open at 3:00 p.m. and continue until 10:00 p.m.! The Grandstand event for Thursday is the Lost Nations Rodeo, which is sure to capture your attention, is set to begin at 7:00 p.m.! General admission for Thursday is $15 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.!
Friday, August 11th, the fun continues with the Livestock Sale starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Livestock Arena, and at 12:00 p.m. the opening of the Silent Auction and Small Animal Auction in the Poultry Barn! The fun does not stop there! Rides will open at 1:00 p.m. and remain open until 11:00 p.m., and an amazing firework show will brighten the fairgrounds at 10:00 p.m.! The Grandstand event for Friday night is ever popular TTPA Truck and Tractor Pull! The Fairgrounds are open from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Admission is $20 per person.
The week finishes strong on Saturday, August 12th, with numerous events and attractions! Starting at 9:00 a.m. Small Animal Sweepstakes will begin, followed by the Large Animal Sweepstakes and Open Class Horse Show at 10:00 a.m. The Flying Pages will continue performing throughout the day and the Dairy Education Trailer will be available to walk through. Do not forget the Inflatables will be up for the younger kids to enjoy! Rides will once again open at 1:00 p.m. and close at 11:00 p.m., and there will be another night of amazing fireworks that can be seen from anywhere in the Fairgrounds at 10:00 p.m.! The Grandstands will be full Saturday night when the crowd-pleasing Demolition Derby races the night away under the lights! The Fairgrounds will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. with the Admission price of $20 per person.
The Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair is a pay-one-price fair, which means parking, entry, rides, exhibits, and grandstands are all included in the gate price. Gate prices vary throughout the week: Sunday is free; Monday is $10 per person; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are $15 per person; and Friday and Saturday are $20 per person. Children under the age of 2 years who want to ride the rides MUST pay the full admission price but are otherwise free to enter. There is a $2 activation fee for wristbands. There are no exceptions to the policy of no refunds and no rain checks.
“The Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair is one of the most economical entertainment buys for the whole family,” declares Berry. “MEGA passes, which provide admission all week to the Fair and include rides, are on sale now for $70 each until July 21st and $75 after July 21st until supply runs out. There are also Weekly Passes available for $50, which does not include rides, available until July 21st. The passes can be purchased at the Fair office at 210 Dawson Street, Sandusky.” Tickets can also be bought ahead of time using the Fair’s Website, www.sanilacfair.org, once you buy the tickets you will receive a QR code to scan for entry!
For more information on the Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair, contact the Fairboard office at 810-648-9297, sanilac4hfair@gmail.com, or visit the Sanilac Youth and 4-H Fair website at www.sanilacfair.org. We cannot wait to see you at the Fair!
Fireworks and Grandstand Events Wow the Crowds Friday and Saturday at the Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair
When your work week is over, come on down to the Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair to enjoy a day full of carnival food, animal shows, entertaining side shows, thrilling rides, fireworks, and outstanding grandstand events. There is something for everyone! “Weekends at the Fairgrounds are the nights so many look forward to every year, and we can’t wait to see you there!” shares Jay Berry, Sanilac County Youth & 4-H Fairboard President.
Friday, August 11th, the fun starts with the Livestock Sale starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Dairy Barn, and at 12:00 p.m. the opening of the Silent Auction and Small Animal Auction take place in the Poultry Barn! We would love the community support as youth and 4-H members auction off the animals and projects they have worked on all year.
Rides will open at 1:00 p.m. and remain open until 11:00 p.m., this is your chance to get as many rides in as you can! Big Rock Amusements is returning this year and is sure to quench your annual need for a thrill. An amazing firework show will brighten the fairgrounds at 10:00 p.m.! These fireworks can be seen by all fairgoers from anywhere in the Fairgrounds, including the Ferris Wheel, Midway, and the Grandstands.
The Grandstand event for Friday night is the ever-popular TTPA Truck and Tractor Pull! The Thumb Tractor Pulling Association’s exciting competition kicks off at 6:00 p.m. There are two tracks that will run at the SAME time! Categories competing are V8 Hot Rods, 6000 Farm, 8000 Diesel Pro Stock, 12000 Open Farm, 6250 Modified, 9300 Super Farm Tractors, 6200 Pro Street Trucks, 6200 Super Stock Trucks, 8500 Diesel Street Legal Trucks, and Gas Street Legal Truck.
The TTPA Truck and Tractor Pull is sponsored by Tri County Equipment, Flynn’s Tree Services, Marlette Oil & Gas, Tubbs Brothers, Kohler Propane, Campbell Farm Tiling & Excavation, and Bob Alexander & Son Trucking.
The week finishes strong on Saturday, August 12th, with numerous events and attractions! Starting at 9:00 a.m. Small Animal Sweepstakes will begin, followed by the Large Animal Sweepstakes and Open Class Horse Show at 10:00 a.m. This is the last chance to watch an animal show at the 2023 Sanilac County Fair, so we hope to see you there!
Must-see shows and family activities, found throughout the Fairgrounds, include:
- The High Flying Pages, a thrilling trapeze act, will perform throughout the week by the south side of the Fairgrounds.
- A Dairy Education Trailer will be available all week to walk through near the Grand Champion Barn, which is such a fantastic way to learn more about the dairy industry!
- Inflatables will be up for the younger kids to enjoy all week by the round barn!
•Big Rock Amusement Rides will start at 1:00 p.m. and close at 11 p.m. - There will be another night of amazing fireworks that you can view from anywhere in the Fairgrounds at 10:00 p.m.!
The Grandstands will be full Saturday night when the crowd-pleasing Demolition Derby races the night away under the lights! “Roaring engines and crunching metal will capture the attention of fairgoers at 7:00 p.m.! This will be the final Grandstand event of the week! You will not want to miss the action” Berry says. Saturday Night’s Event is sponsored by Highline Internet, Marlette Oil & Gas, Ball Equipment, LK Insurance, Macanna Briolat Insurance, TNT Equipment, and Huntington Bank!
The Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair is a pay-one-price fair, which means parking, entry, rides, exhibits, and grandstands are all included in the gate price. Gate prices vary throughout the week: Sunday is free; Monday is $10 per person; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are $15 per person; and Friday and Saturday are $20 per person. Children under the age of 2 years who want to ride the rides MUST pay the full admission price but are otherwise free to enter. There is a $2 activation fee for wristbands. There are no exceptions to the policy of no refunds and no rain checks.
“The Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair is one of the most economical entertainment buys for the whole family,” declares Berry. “MEGA passes, which provide admission all week to the Fair and include rides, are on sale now for $75, until supply runs out. The passes can be purchased at the Fair office at 210 Dawson Street, Sandusky.” Tickets can also be bought ahead of time using the Fair’s Website, www.sanilacfair.org, once you buy the tickets you will receive a QR code to scan for entry at the Kiosk!
For more information on the Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair, contact the Fairboard office at 810-648-9297, sanilac4hfair@gmail.com, or visit the Sanilac Youth and 4-H Fair website at www.sanilacfair.org. We cannot wait to see you at the Fair!

SJO Productions Supercross and the Figure 8 Derby Race Through The Grandstands at the 2023 Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair!
Sandusky, MI – Monday and Tuesday launch the beginning of an exciting week at the Sanilac County Youth & 4-H Fair! With endless activities throughout the day and amazing nightly events, all at an unbelievable cost, there is something that will make everyone in your family smile.
Monday, August 7th, the Grandstands will be full of excitement, as jumps and wheelies are performed by SJO Productions Supercross! The racers are scheduled to grab your attention at 7:00 p.m. sharp and race until 10:00 p.m.! “Supercross is a new Grandstand Show for the Fair, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to see something new and find out what the hype is all about,” proclaims Jay Berry, Sanilac County Youth & 4-H President. Monday night’s Supercross performance is sponsored by the Cros-Lex Eagles and Helena Chemical!
The fun doesn’t start at 7:00 p.m., it starts way sooner with so many things to see throughout the Fairgrounds, starting with Animal Shows at 9:00 a.m.! Horses & Ponies, Prospect Beef, Alpacas, and Sheep will be shown throughout the day in the Dairy Barn, Livestock Arena, and Equestrian Arena. “Watching the youth show off their skills, hard work, and determination is what makes the Sanilac County Fair so special,” shares Berry, “Youth will have their barns and stalls all decorated for the week, so make sure to walk through the barns, say hello to the animals, and check out all the great decor!”
Starting Monday and available until Saturday, a Dairy Educational Trailer will be available throughout the day by the Grand Champion Barn. This opportunity is a fantastic way to better understand the Dairy Industry, as it demonstrates how milk gets from a cow all the way to the consumer. Inflatables will be set up on Monday in front of the Round Roof Barn, which will remain in that location for the remainder of the week, for little ones to enjoy! Another must-see attraction is The High Flying Pages, which will demonstrate a breathtaking High-Flying Trapeze and Globe of Death performance between the Eatstand and FFA Barn Sunday through Saturday! While walking around the Fair, keep your eyes open for The Quack Pack, who are dogs showing off their skills in herding ducks! The Quack Pack will be waddling around throughout the day from Sunday till Thursday! No rides will be available Monday, but carnival food will be open, so make sure to get your yearly fix.
Tuesday, August 8th, is Senior Citizen and Veterans Day at the Fairgrounds from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.! Within those hours, anyone over 60 and Veterans gets admission to the Fair for only $8! Tuesday is also “Homemaker Day” with the Homemaker Presentation taking place at the Grandstands at 6:45 p.m. “Honoring community members, that make Sanilac County such a great place to live, is one of the benefits of being Fairboard President,” explains Berry.
Following the presentation, at 7:00 p.m., the Figure 8 Derby will take over the Grandstands with a show that is sure to impress! Drivers navigate cars through an exciting, challenging course with twisting turns and bumps, while maneuvering their cars along the track to complete laps as quickly as possible without getting spun out! Figure 8 shows are full of fun and excitement for the whole family! “A Big Thank You goes out to DTE for sponsoring the Figure 8 Derby, and for their continued support in the Sanilac County Youth & 4-H Fair,” shares Berry.

Tuesday is a wonderful day for watching shows with Swine (market and showmanship), Horses & Ponies, Dairy Veal Calves, and Poultry shows starting at 9:00 a.m. and continuing throughout the day! Throughout the day visit the various barns to see the many displays of fine arts, clothing and textiles, food and nutrition, and other demonstrations of all the things the Youth have learned throughout the year. Also, make sure to stop by the eat stand and meet some of the amazing members and get some tasty food! Tuesday is the first day of the week that rides by Big Rock Amusements will be available! From 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., ride all the rides you can, as they are included in the one-price cost.
The Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair is a pay-one-price fair, which means parking, entry, rides, exhibits, and grandstands are all included in the gate price. Gate prices vary throughout the week: Sunday is free; Monday is $10 per person; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are $15 per person; and Friday and Saturday are $20 per person. Children under the age of 2 years who want to ride the rides MUST pay the full admission price but are otherwise free to enter. There is a $2 activation fee for wristbands. There are no exceptions to the policy of no refunds and no rain checks.
MEGA passes, which provide admission all week to the Fair and include rides, are on sale now for $70 each until July 21st and $75 after July 21st until supply runs out. There are also Weekly Passes available for $50, which do not include rides, available until July 21st. The passes can be purchased at the Fair office at 210 Dawson Street, Sandusky. Tickets can also be bought ahead of time using the Fair’s Website, www.sanilacfair.org, once you buy the tickets you will receive a QR code to scan for entry!
For more information on the Sanilac County Youth and 4-H Fair, contact the Fairboard office at 810-648-9297, sanilac4hfair@gmail.com, or visit the Sanilac Youth and 4-H Fair website at www.sanilacfair.org.