Red Raider Review 9-23-15 Edition
Students and teachers alike are once again back into the routine of school days and are already pounding the snooze button. As September breezes into October, Marlette High School breezes into its 2015 candy-themed Fall Homecoming! As always, accompanying this exhilarating game is spirit week. Monday, September 28 students will enjoy learning in the comfort of their PJ’s for “Get Up and Go” day. On Tuesday, freedom will reign for “‘Murica” day. Wednesday may get slightly disturbing with gender-switch day, and Thursday everyone will dress to the nines for “Dress to Impress” day. As the student body paints itself red and white on Friday, a pep assembly will rev up our beloved Raiders before the much anticipated cross-county show down against the Sandusky Redskins.
Amongst all the chaos of spirit week resides the elusive dedicated student. A new Engineering Club has been created for such students. Throughout the year, members will take action in various activities including launching rockets and even building an underwater robot!
While the football team plays and the engineering club creates, the band marches on. The Red Raider marching band is prepping for appearances at not only Friday’s game and parade, but also at Caro’s Pumpkin Parade on Sunday, October 4. All of this preparation will definitely not be wasted, as the band strives to receive a first-division rating at marching band festival for the second year in a row.
Football and robots and marching, oh my! This is bound to be yet another exciting week here at Marlette Junior/Senior High School.