Redskin Review 11-25-15 Edition
Sandusky school has reached its first extensive break from school of the year, Thanksgiving break! Of course, this is just a warm-up for the impending Christmas break next month, because holiday festivities are just beginning. Everyone at SHS is eagerly anticipating each aspect of this wonderful time leading up to Christmas!
A new stretch of activities has been opened along with the introduction of the new season. All winter sports immediately kicked off the week after our roaring football season concluded. With that in mind, we’re now fully ready to welcome an equally impressive winter season with basketball, wrestling, and bowling. As long as our Redskin fans maintain the same electrifying excitement, there’s no way there will be anything to disappoint!
Aside from the sports this season embodies, many have found another focus this mid-November. The National Honors Society (NHS) has organized several situations for the community to ensure everyone enjoys Thanksgiving and Christmas as much as possible.
Thanksgiving overlaps the start of the second marking period, so if a student is struggling with grades now is the perfect moment to make a change in study habits. This is the most wonderful time of the year, so we understand no student wants to worry about their grade. This is the sole reason we have arranged tutoring for anyone who is interested, with the option for student or adult assistance.
NHS is helping families prepare for Christmas next month. There is a “Giving Tree” set up in the office with a few ornaments still decorating it. Each ornament has gift suggestions for those in need in our community. We will need to begin wrapping presents very soon, so if you are able to help, don’t hesitate.
Each and every act of kindness is appreciated during this time. The holidays are a joyous time for most, so try and remember the less fortunate ones. If we work together, we can make this holiday season great for everyone.