Deckerville Homecoming 2023
This year’s theme is “College Week”. Monday: Rivalry Day (classes dress in assigned colors). Tuesday: Bright Future (future profession). Wednesday: Blue and Green for Gift of Life (Michigan or Michigan State). Thursday: Frat Day (Student section fraternity wear). Friday: Tailgate (Maroon and Gold spirit gear). Banner: Choose a college (submit choice)
Homecoming Week is October 9-13, 2023, with Friday football game against the Atherton Wolves
The Powder Puff football game will be played on Wednesday, October 11th, of homecoming week beginning at 12:30 p.m. Seniors and Sophomores vs. Juniors and Freshmen. Parade starts at 6:00 p.m. Each class will be carrying a banner depicting a college or university. The banners will then be mounted on the fence during the football game. Judging will begin at the conclusion of the first quarter.