Casual for a Cause Food Distribution raises $1,500 to support those in need
During the month of April 2023, 42 staff of Sanilac County Community Mental Health (Sanilac CMH), donated extra “Casual for a Cause” funds with the intent to secure a commodity food truck to support those in need in Sanilac County. The group raised $1,500.
On Thursday, November 9, 2023, with the assistance of the Michigan House of Hope and Sanilac Transportation, Sanilac CMH staff assisted with a food distribution. Everyone who assisted with the event, agreed that it was one of the biggest Pop Up Pantries served to date. There were 295 families registered with 690 people in total.
The money donated by CMH employees is obtained through their “Casual for a Cause” fundraiser. On this special occasion, CMH employees were allowed to dress casually on additional specific days in exchange for a $5 dollar donation.