CPS Fall Sports Preview
Varsity Football

Head Coach: Gerald Pathic
Coaching Record – First Year Varsity Did not have a varsity team last year
Key returning athletes are: Wendall Smith, Jr., Brendan Nichol, Jr., Trenton Mitchell, Soph., Mason Gorman, Soph., Ethan Carter, Soph., Gavin Kelly, Soph., Logan Henderson, Fresh.
We have a really good group of young guys returning this year. They have grown a lot since last year on the J.V. team both physically and as leaders. They are definitely program minded and looking forward to bringing C.P.S. football back where they think it should be.
Lost to graduation: Tyler Mitchell and Austin Kelly.
New athletes to the team: Peyton Mooney Sr., Ethan Handley, Sr., Hunter Childers, Sr., Tyler Johnston, Sr., Jacob Paul, Sr., Arion Loeschke, Jr., Ethan Poirer, Soph., Easton Caldwell. Soph., Nolan Burdette, Fresh., Hunter Nunn, Fresh.
Comments about your team’s strengths/weaknesses and any goals for the season:
I have a great group of guys who are very focused on getting better. They have a no quit attitude and are willing to do whatever it is to make the team better. They have great leadership qualities and are a tight group of guys.
Outlook for your league – Where do you see you team fitting in?
The NCTL looks very good as a whole right now. In the white division we are looking to compete and put up a good fight to be contenders.
- Wendall Smith, Jr.
2.Nolan Burdette, Fresh. - Trenton Mitchell, Soph.
- Ethan Handley, Sr.
- Ethan Poirier, Soph.
- Logan Henderson, Fresh.
- Jacob Paul, Sr.
- Peyton Mooney, Sr.
- Hunter Nunn, Fresh.
- Arion Loeschke, Jr.
- Hunter Childers, Sr.
21.Gavin Kelly, Soph. - Ethan Carter, Soph.
- Easton Caldwell, Soph.
- Mason Gorman, Soph.
- Tyler Johnston, Sr.
- Brendan Nichol, Jr.
Boys Cross Country

Girls Cross Country

Varsity Volleyball

Coach: Robin Knoerr, 20+ year experience
Key returning players: Aliyah Baysdell, senior Libero, Ashley Henderson, Junior outside hitter, Stephani Cahoon, back row specialist
Top New Prospects: Shelby Cooney, Junior setter, Alexis Earl, Junior Outside Hitter, Lilianna Grigg, Junior Middle Hitter
Player to watch: Aliyah Baysdell. Senior Libero. She is extremely motivated. Gets to a lot of balls.
Team Captains: Alliyah Baysdell. Senior, Alexis Esrt & Shelby Cooney Juniors
Team Strengths: Defense with our Libero and this team communicates very well.
Season outlook is good. We have some new height and a young team.
CPS Varsity Cheer

Junior High Football

CPS JV Volleyball