MAEAP Farms Recognized
What is MAEAP?
The is an innovative proactive program that helps farms of all sizes all commodities voluntarily prevent or minimize agricultural pollution risks. Started in 1998, Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program “MAEAP” is a voluntary program that recognizes farmers who are top stewards of their land. MAEAP helps farmers adopt cost-effective practices that reduce erosion and runoff into ponds, streams, and rivers. This, in turn, helps farmers comply with state and federal laws. The program includes four steps:
· Attend an education workshop
· Invite a local MAEAP technician to tour your farm
· Implement practices recommended by the technician
· Earn recognition for your work
MAEAP recognition can be earned in one or more of four areas: Farmstead; Cropping; Livestock; and Forest, Wetlands, & Habitat. Farmers who earn MAEAP recognition will receive a sign to place on their farm.
MAEAP is open to all Michigan farmers. You can start MAEAP at any time. Farmers who start or receive recognition by certain dates will be at an advantage for cost share, grants, and other assistance programs. Thousands of farmers have already received their MAEAP designations. Earn yours today!
This program is free. Everything we learn about your farm is 100% confidential. This is guaranteed by state law. Statewide to date there have been 6,316 verified farms.
At the Blue Water Conservation District in the Sandusky field office Sanilac County to date we have 175 farm locations that have completed verification, risk assessment, or shown interest in the MAEAP program in Sanilac County. This last fiscal year verified farms in no order we would like to recognize Farms:

3 North Vines LLC
Roaming Hills Bison
Renzie Milarch Farm
Steenbergh Farms
Triple R Farms
Blashill Farms
Furness Farms

Wood Farms, Inc.
Eager Farms, Inc.
Blashill Farms
Gardner Family Farms LLC-Site 1
C. Stoutenburg Farms LLC – Banner Road Farm
Stoutenburg Farms-Main Farm
Stoutenburg II – Fetting Road Farm
T.F. Beef Farms
Kreger Farms LLC
Kurtis & Shannon Kreger Farms LLC
The Back 40 Acres LLC
Gardner Family Farms LLC-Site 2
Dale Gentner Farm
Evan Gentner Farm
Lance Gentner Farm
Wilson Farms LLC
Alexander Orchards LLC
Thomas McWilliams Farm
Lone Oak Orchard
Hillman Farms
Roto Z Dairy LLC
Goma Dairy Farm
Any questions to set up your farm visit Contact John Bowsky and 810-648-2998 Ext. 5 or email