New GPS Location Technology for Special Child
How long would it take for fear to set in if your child went missing? Seconds? Minutes? How long before you called the police for help?
Fortunately, most of us will never know that fear. But, for Elizabeth King, a Village of Deckerville resident, it is a reality. Her autistic daughter, just in the last couple of weeks, has wandered away twice. Fortunately, she was found both times, the first time in seconds, the second time longer, 10 minutes. She likes flowers, and enjoys going from place to place picking them.
Police Chief Fred Ameel took the calls for help in finding the missing child, and it pulled on his heart strings. So, with the help of Google, he came across the site AngelSense. AngelSense is an assistive technology tool that is used to “track” loved ones with special needs. It offers real time GPS tracking and an unlimited amount of guardians to place on the tracker.
Police Chief was talking with Annemarie Eggink, owner of New Grounds Coffee ‘n More about the incidents and it wasn’t long, and a donation from Under His Thumb Ministry was made to purchase the special device that arrived on Monday. Mom, Elizabeth King said, “This has restored my faith in people. I can’t ever begin to repay you.”
This tracking device is the first one in the community and the county, and Police Chief Ameel is hopeful that there will be a way for them to be available to other residents in need in Sanilac County. He has already been talking with county officials about them and they sound interested.